Indigenous Insights:

An Evaluation Podcast

Tansi, greetings, welcome, my name is Gladys Rowe, I am so grateful that you are here.

What is Indigenous evaluation? Who is doing this work? How are we doing this work and what have we learned so far?

Each episode I will sit in conversation with Indigenous evaluation practitioners, leaders, researchers, and scholars who are working in, thinking about, and supporting Indigenous evaluation to share how they are doing their work and the challenges and insights they’ve experienced along the way. 

It is my hope that this podcast will feel like a deep breath – where we invite you to grab a cozy beverage and settle in. Join me and my guests as we open up our evaluation bundles – to share the gifts, knowledges, and hopes that we have gathered in our journeys and bring them together in this space. I hope in these stories you will find resonance in the critical contributions that Indigenous evaluation can make as we work towards decolonial futures and strengthening Indigenous resurgence. 

I would also like to extend an invitation. If you are someone who has an interest in Indigenous evaluation and would like to have a conversation on this podcast, I would love to hear from you. Please send me a note and we can connect about your work, what you are learning, and the questions you are thinking about. 
